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Keeping the community Safe in Challenging times

Since COVID-19 started, we went from distributing 350 kg food per week to 4.5 tonnes. In the past financial year, we rescued and distributed around 165,668 kg of fresh produce, providing on average 27,000 meals to vulnerable community members—an average of 250 families, 120 International Students and 60 Homeless people weekly. None of this was possible without having regular access to cleaning products, detergents, disinfectants and hand-sanitisers. There were all essential requirements to keep our community safe while still bringing food to their table.

We do not have enough words to express our gratitude to Good360 and Koh, Odeo, Cole WorkWear, and Kogan. There have been numerous outbreaks and two very long lockdowns in Sydney. Our members relied on us to keep bringing food to their table, and we relied on you guys to ensure this activity never stopped.

We thank you because your help keeps us operating, even when we are in one of the most critical hotspots in Sydney. Thank you because you are giving us enough to distribute in each of our food hampers, door by door, hand sanitisers, face masks, gloves, hand soaps, among others. Together we are stronger. On behalf of our members, Thank you!

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