Someone once said, ‘My village rises from the plain, it is shaded with trees and like a piggy bank filled with memories. You can see why a person would want to live there forever”.
There is no better way to explain what we do at CSS. We assist vulnerable community members and marginalise families, but our services go far beyond a one-transaction. Our members share a welcoming space, a sense of belonging, and an unbreakable bond with their community. Without distinction of race, religion, skin colour or sexual orientation, anyone facing financial hardship or personal challenges can reach out to our centre to find all the assistance and support required.
We thank Good360 and its sponsors, they have provided us with numerous products including stationery and festive decorations to support our workshops, seminars and multicultural events. These items have facilitated community building moments that our members and us will treasure forever, such as our multicultural meal sharing day. No fear, no sadness, no lack of hope!